ADDIS ABEBA 2011-02-17

Last Update 2011-09-07
Below am i continously showing the results of the first CD4 count after starting the water cure.

Total of persons tested: 41.

Total of persons with increased CD4 on first test: 40.

Total of persons with Unchanged or decreased CD4: 1.






NEP04B which has changed his Antiretroviral medicin in Oktober 2010 because of allergi, are not included in the statistics below because the change of medicin probably affects the CD4 count.

He increased his CD4 count from 400 to 1457 within less than 3 months.


Average CD4    Age of last  Nr of       Nr. of months  Nr. of pers. with  Average CD4
before water    CD4 test in  persons  using water     Increasing CD4   Testresults     incr.% 
cure                  months       tested

.                             5                                          1

140                        4                    1                    2                       1                      366                61

39                          3                    2                    3                       2                      385               887

.                             2                                          4                                                      

.                             1                                          5                       
.                             0                                          6


Average CD4    Age of last  Nr of       Nr. of months  Nr. of pers. with  Average CD4 
before water    CD4 test in  persons  using water     Increasing CD4   Testresults     incr.% 
cure                  months       tested

308                      5                     3                  1                       3                           371               20    

285                      4                     6                  2                       6                           446               56

326                      3                     5                  3                       5                           493               51

333                      2                     2                  4                       2                           621               86 

300                      1                     1                  5                       1                           700               133

250                      0                     1                  6                       1                           971               288


Average CD4    Age of last  Nr of       Nr. of months  Nr. of pers. with  Average CD4 
before water    CD4 test in  persons  using water     Increasing CD4   Testresults     incr.% 
cure                  months       tested

530                      5                        2                1                            2                     594               12 

501                      4                        4                2                            4                     539               12

526                      3                        3                3                            3                     660               25

410                      2                        1                4                            1                     670               63  

.                           1                                          5

.                           0                                          6


Average CD4    Age of last  Nr of       Nr. of months  Nr. of pers. with  Average CD4 
before water    CD4 test in  persons  using water     Increasing CD4   Testresults     incr.% 
cure                  months       tested

663                          5                    3                    1                        3                     722                9 

675                          4                    2                    2                        2                     778                15

600                          3                    1                    3                        1                     920                53

.                               2                                          4

.                               1                                          5

.                               0                                          6


Updated 2011-07-24

Results from people drinking "Energized" water parallell to ordinary medication.

Supervised by myself.

Normal value of CD4 cells for healthy persons is between 500 - 1200 CD4 cells / Microliter blood.
Values below 200 CD4 cells ar classified as AIDS.

?? means i am waiting for further information.
Normally the person are tested every 6 months. The CD4 value before starting the watercure is appr. 6 months older than the first test date after starting watercure.

Person  Sex       CD4 cells before     Starting date     Test Dates   Value CD 4
Code                  Starting Cure                                                         Appr.

ETH01 F               55                                 Jan09                   Apr09            570
...............................................................................................Okt09            570
...............................................................................................Apr10            570
( In August 10 the installation of the Energizer was corrected)
...............................................................................................Sept10          750 
Using Antiretrovial medicin: Yes
ETH02 F               250                               Apr10                   Okt10            970   
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH03 M              341                               Nov10                   Febr11         410
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH04 M              23                                 Dec10                   Mars11         210
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH05 M              250                                Nov10                   Jan11          350
Using Antiretroviral medicin: NO

ETH06 F              369                                 Okt10                    Dec10         502
.................................................................................................Feb11       583                                                     
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH07 F             532                                  Nov10                   Nov10          537
.................................................................................................Feb11          647
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

NOR01 M            350                                  Aug10                  ??                ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: ??

Person  Sex       CD4 cells before     Starting date     Test Dates   Value CD 4
Code                    Starting Cure                                                                Appr.

F             343                                  Okt10                    ??                 ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH09 F             320                                  Okt10                   Nov/Dec10      604
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH10 M             685                                 Okt10                     Nov10           745
..................................................................................................Feb11           848
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH11 F              580                                 Nov10                    ??                  ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH12 F              600                                 Nov10                    ??                  ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: No

ETH13 M             450                                  Nov10                   ??                  ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: No

ETH14 F              360                                  Jan11                   ??                  ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: No

ETH15 M              310                                 Nov10                   ??                  ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH16 M              500                                  Dec10                  Jan11             547
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes
ETH17 F              529                                  Nov10                   Feb11             538
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

Person  Sex       CD4 cells before     Starting date     Test Dates   Value CD 4
Code                    Starting Cure                                                                Appr.

ETH18 M              264                                  Nov10                    ??                    ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH19 M              312                                  Nov10                    ??                    ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH20 F               400                                  Nov10                    ??                    ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH21 F               267                                  Nov10                    ??                     ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH22 M               300                                  Feb11                     ??                     ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

ETH23 F               441                                  Dec10                     ??                     ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes
ETH24 M               263                                  Jan11                     Feb11               278
Using Antiretroviral medicin: No

ETH25 F                230                                  Mars11                    ??                     ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes
ETH26 F                450                                  Mars11                     ??                    ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: No

Person  Sex       CD4 cells before     Starting date     Test Dates   Value CD 4
Code                    Starting Cure                                                                Appr.

Following persons are supervised by the HIV organisation NEP+ in Ethiopia.

M             367                                   Dec10                   Apr11              528
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

NEP02 M             179                                   Mars11                   ??                   ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

NEP02A F           490                                    Dec10                   ??                    ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

NEP03 F              641                                   Febr11                   ??                    ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes
NEP03A M          205                                    Mars11                   ??                     ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes   

NEP04 M             485                                   Dec10                   Febr11             549
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

NEP04A F             485                                  Dec10                     ??                   ??
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes

NEP04B M             400                                  Dec10                   Febr11            1457
Using Antiretroviral medicin: Yes
*) 11 years old boy which changed ATR medicin in Okt 2010.


Updated 2011-12-24
Statistic supervised by the National Network of Positive women Ethiopians

The sign outside their office

All of the persons below are using Antiretroviral medicin.

Person  Sex       CD4 cells before     Starting date     Test Dates   Value CD 4
Code                    Starting Cure                                                                Appr.

EPW 01
F              750                        Okt/Nov 10                 Apr11                555
EPW 02 F              270                        Okt/Nov 10                 Dec10               384
                                                                                                Febr11             408
EPW 03 F              360                        Okt/Nov 10                 Feb11               641
                                                                                               Jun11                720
                                                                                               Aug11               831
EPW 04 F              600                        Okt/Nov 10                 Feb11               920
                                                                                               Aug11               980
EPW 05 F              600                        Okt/Nov 10                 Feb11               686
EPW 06 F              650                        Okt/Nov 10                 Dec10               750

Person  Sex       CD4 cells before     Starting date     Test Dates   Value CD 4
Code                    Starting Cure                                                                Appr.

EPW 07 F              300                        Jan/Feb 11                 Mars11              415
EPW 08 F              109                        Okt/Nov 10                 ??                     ??
EPW 09 F              700                        Okt/Nov 10                 ??                     ??
EPW 10 F              300                        Okt/Nov 10                 Jan11                440
                                                                                               Juni11                650
EPW 11 F              660                        Okt/Nov 10                 Nov10               664
EPW 12 F              410                        Okt/Nov 10                 Mars11              670

Person  Sex       CD4 cells before     Starting date     Test Dates   Value CD 4
Code                    Starting Cure                                                                Appr.

EPW 13 F             470                        Okt/Nov 10                 Dec10               559
EPW 14 F             654                        Okt/Nov 10                 ??                       ??
EPW 15 F             250                        Okt/Nov 10                 Jan11                370
EPW 16 F             455                        Okt/Nov 10                 Feb11                560
                                                                                              Jun11                 700
EPW 17 F             208                        Okt/Nov 10                 Nov10               210
EPW 18 F             750                        Okt/Nov 10                 Jan11                 870
EPW 18A M          300                        Okt/Nov 10                 May11                700

Person  Sex       CD4 cells before     Starting date     Test Dates   Value CD 4
Code                    Starting Cure                                                                Appr.

EPW 19 F             300                        Okt/Nov 10                 Feb11               715
EPW 20 F             663                        Okt/Nov 10                 ??                     ??
EPW 21 F             140                        Feb/Mar 11                 May11               366
EPW 22 F             235                        Jan/Febr 11                 Mars11              395
EPW 23 F             560                        Okt/Nov 10                 Dec10               640
                                                                                               Mars 11             800
                                                                                               July11               855
                                                                                               Dec11               1194
EPW 23A M          244                        Okt/Nov10                  Jan11               614 
EPW 24 F             378                        Dec 10                       Febr11               525
                                                                                              May11                792

Person  Sex       CD4 cells before     Starting date     Test Dates   Value CD 4
Code                    Starting Cure                                                                Appr.

EPW 25 F             655                        Okt/Nov 10                 Nov10                700              
EPW 26 F             520                        Okt/Nov 10                 Dec10                590              
                                                                                              Mars11                670
EPW 27 F             615                        Okt/Nov 10                 ??                       ??
EPW 28 F             590                        Okt/Nov 10                 Feb11                780
EPW 29 F             179                         Mars 11                     Jun11                 270
EPW 30 F             390                         Mars 11                     May11                490             
EPW 31 F             450                         Mars 11                     ??                        ??
EPW 32 F             482                         Mars 11                     ??                        ??
EPW 33 F             540                         Mars 11                     ??                        ??
EPW 34 F             225                         Mars 11                     ??                        ??


Addis Ababa 2010-11-04
Below you can see how Destilled water trying to crystalize.
Photograph of Tap water from Lichtenstein
And at the picture below you can see how exactly the same water crystalizing after been exposed to my water energizer.
Photograph of Energized tap water from Lichtenstein
Which structure of water molecules do you wan´t to have in your body Ccncerning every bodycell contains 90% water ?


Addis Ababa , 2010-10-09


My name is Thomas , i am living in Sweden. I started this blog with the purpose to show the results of my 6 months trip to Ethiopia in Africa when trying to treat the disease HIV when only using Water.

I will clear out that what I describe below is not scientific approved (yet).

But as Galileo Galilei said in the 17th century ( but  still she moves..)  when forced to decline that the earth where circulating around the sun.

I hopefully can say ….But it works.

"Water is the source of all life because of it`s level of vibration.

The intrensic frequency of water creates a magneticfield of white light, non visible for humans.

The intrensic frequency of water are also resonating with the energy in the ZERO POINT FIELD that connect everything in universe.

All cells contains 90% of water and have a specific task to achieve.

In order to achieve its tasks, cells communicate to each other through PHOTONS (white light) through the  magneticfield that all vibrating cells creates together."

This is the basic rule for all forms of life.

Back in 2004 I learned that water is the perfect medium for treating diseases of almost all kind.

Water you will say ? That is something we all drink every day, so why are not we all healthy then ?

The general knowledge of water is that water is purely water and we only concerns about what substances it contains when drinking or testing it at laboratories.

But back in 2004 I learned that water are vibrating and the level of the vibrations are crusial for our health since our body cells contains 90% of water.

I also learned that our body cells communicate with each other through the magnetic field (photo electric field) that our cells are creating when vibrating together. ( called AURA when showed outside the body ).

Above an illustration of how the cells DNA communicate by sending PHOTONS (white Light) through the wavelenght that water creates. ( which gives resonance to white light)


Above showing the worst case of a cell that can´t communicate properly because of negative energy stored in the waters memory.

The Negative energy will disturb the waters abilty to vibrate correctly and reduces the intensity of the basic wavelenght of water (which gives  white light).


In this case all 7 frequencies that gives the white light is reduced so that the PHOTONS can´t reach out of the cell.

This disturbance will probably end up in a chronic diseases when reaches organs.


The disturbance can also be a virus,bacteria,microrganism or a substance that have an intrensic frequency disturbing the cells ability to communicate.




.Photograph showing a persons AURA taken by a special camera.



When reading  Dr Masaru Emotos ( a famous Japanese alternative Doctor) books about how he photographs different water crystals when affecting the water molecules with different types of energy, I also learned that water has a memory.

I will specially recommend the book “ The true power of water” ISBN 0743289811, 9780743289818 for those who want to know more about the technique.

Waters capacity to memorize different frequencies are the key to our helth.

Because water memorize and stores positive and negative energy it will also affect the intensity of its own basic vibration level.

When memorizing negative energy, it will reduce the vibration level of the water and when memorizing positive energy, it will raise the level.

Positive energy is frequencies that gives resonance to the waters 7 basic tones (which in balance represent the white light).


When the water in our body cells has stored to much negative energy for a long time , it will reduce the ability for the cells to communicate properly and we get sick. Depending on where and which cells in the body it appears at, we give the disease a name. (cancer , diabetes and so on).

Also when our bodycells contains viruses or bacterias with negative energy (by their intrensic frequency),it will affect the vibrationlevel of water in our cells and we get sick.

So whats the trick to cure our diseases ?

As mentioned above the main cause of diseases is that the vibration level of the water in our cells are so low that some of our cells can´t communicate properly or even communicate at all.

Back in 2004 I also found out that there are some items that can increase the vibration level of the water to a maximum by amplifying the 7 basic tones (white light) that the water molecules are built up on by resonance technique.

I will refer to the items as Energizers .

So the trick is to maximaze the vibration level of the water in our cells.

In my case I use an Energizer to increase the waters vibration level to a maximum , then when drinking that water for a certain period (6-7 months) it will increase the vibration level of each bodycell one by one using the technique of resonance.

Does this method works on all diseases ?

My answer to that is ….Almost all.

Since the method is based on the principle that we are giving back all our cells the capability to function as they are made  to do according to the "software" ( DNA ) it contains,  It will give the body the possibility to heal itself.

Are there some obstacles ?

Yes there are, The physical laws about magnetic fields stipulate that a stronger magnetic field will take over a weaker one.

If the body contains areas of "highly negative energy" the drinking water will not be able to reach that cells in that area and can't raise the vibration level. Cancer is an example of cells with highly intensity of negative energy.

That doesn't mean that the water technique can't cure the disease of cancer or other diseases with high negative energy. It just means that the technique of using my "energizer" needs to be modified.

So now to the main purpose of this blog…The HIV virus.

Can the body itself get rid of the HIV virus ?

First of all I will shortly explain what HIV is.

When the cells in the body attacks by the HIV virus it reduces or block the bodys capability to create a specific white bloodcell ( CD4+T-cell), which is essentiell for the bodys immune defence.

( It for sure means other things too , but that is the essentiell one that i have concentrated my project on)

The normal value of the CD4 cell in humans are between 500 – 1200 cells / microliter Blood.

When the CD4 cells are below 200 , the disease technically are classified as AIDS.

My believe is that it can do that…I believe that because it is not the virus itself that makes people sick…It is the lack of immune defence that makes people sick in difference to other viruses that have a high intensity in their intrensic frequency and give you fever for example. 

I do believe that it is the intensity of the HIV virus intrensic frequency that gives disturbance to the cells communication ability needed for the producing  of CD4 cells.

I also believe that the HIV virus has a lower intensity of negative energy than a cell with a maximum vibration level. According to what i wrote before , the HIV virus magnetic field can't enter cells containing a high vibration level ( close to maximum).

In December 2008 it comes to my knowledge that a friend living in Ethiopia had  HIV since a long time a go and that she was very sick at that moment.

Her test result showed that her level of CD4 cells where down to 55/MicroL Blood ( technically AIDS ).

Since I live in Sweden I sent her an Energizer and the instruction of how to install it.

I also gave her the instruction that she should drink at least 1,5L water every day.

She started drinking Energized water in January 2009 and at her test of CD4 cells in April 2009 showed that it has increased to 570 CD4 cells ( above the lower limit ) and she felt much stronger and has also increased her bodyweight with 4 kg.

I followed all her tests that come regulary every 6 months and she showed almost the same value for 18 months.

In August 2010 a friend of her corrected tha installation of the energizer since it was slightly wrong installed.

At her test in September same year the CD4 value had increased to 750/microL blood.

In July 2010 I decided to give this a try. I quit my work and decided to go to Ethiopia for 6 months and try this method on more people with HIV and see if my teory about how to cure HIV will work.

In October 2010 I arrived at Addis Abeba.

My purpose with this trip and the curing method is:

1)      To show that Energized water will increase the level of CD4 cells to normal values.

2)      To show that the body itself will kill and get rid of the HIV virus.

3)      In the long run improve my method so it can also cure other diseases like cancer.

I will present my results here on this blog when the information is available for me. I will update this regulary.

The statistics shown will be without names , only country code and numbers,

Questionmarks will indicate that I am waiting for the information.

The "HOLY WATER" at ENTOTO , Part 1

ADDIS ABABA 2010-10-25

ENTOTO is located in the mountains just outside Addis Ababa and the "holy" water source is located in the forests. There is an church at the water source where people go for praying and drinking the "holy" water.

After that I have meet a lot of people here in Addis Ababa and presenting my technique and theory about how to heal HIV (and other diseases) I found out that there are a couple of places in Ethiopia where people with HIV get healed from HIV Positive to HIV negative within a period of 9 months just by drinking this "HOLY" water.

And many many people got their CD4 valu stabilized at a good and healthy level.

According to what people said it is houndreds of people that reach a healthy level and even a lot of them got from HIV + to HIV -.

Since this was following my theory about how to treat diseases with high energy water i just had to go there and try to find out what this "HOLY" water is.

What i wanted to find out was the following questions:

1) How high is the vibration level (energy) in this water before it reach the water source where people are
Praying ? 

2) How high is the vibration level (energy) in this water when houndreds of people are praying at it ?

3) Why does certain people go from HIV + to HIV - and some not ?

After arriving to the place in the mountains of ENTOTO i was a little bit unlucky since the ceremoni when people go there for healing and praying had just ended and the only one there was the people working at the church.

Anyway ,at least I got the opportunity to measure the energy in unaffected water. ( see on top of this blog about my theory in how to change the vibration level through positive energy)

I will clearout that my method for measuring the vibration level in the water is based on my own references and i just use my own energizer as a reference (100%).


After talking to the people that works in the church and also participates in the ceremonie i was excited.
They told me about houndreds of people with HIV , Diabetes , TBC , Polio , Multipel Sklerosis and many other diseases that got healed when drinking the "holy" water.

I also got my answer to the question about why not a higher percentege got fully cured from HIV.

After measuring the vibration level in the "holy" water i got the answer to question 1 and also 2.

The answers to my questions as i see them:

1) The vibration level in the unaffected water was about 75% to maximum, which is extremly high.
For example when measuring vibration level in the spring water in the bottles you buy here ( and probably
anywhere in the world ) you only reach 20% of maximum vibration level.

2) I didn´t got the opportunity to measure the "holy" water when houndreds of people where praying in the
church there.
But i can understand that if the vibration level is 75% when not affecting it with positive energy it must 
reach even higher levels when all the people are having positive energy in the church. 

3) Why doesn´t more people get fully healed when drinking such a high energized water ?

My theory is that because no one working there, or i guess even not the people drinking the water realy
knows why they got healed and just see it as a religious thing, a lot of them don´t drink the water for the
necessary time it takes for the bodycells to be fully affected by the energy.

It takes normally 6-7 months of daily drinking before you can be sure that the most of your bodycells are
affected and contains the high energy level needed for healing severe diseases.

Most of the people visiting the church just go there for a week or even a couple of months and then coming
back maybe after 5-6 months when they feel sick again.

But anyway it is fantastic that people get cured from HIV just by drinking water.

It is sad that the authoritys/scientist don´t give this method any focus and just are relying on the Western school medicine.

Since i personally don´t have meet or spoken to anyone of the healed persons i will refer to my own project about healing HIV with my Energizer.  See my research and results on top of this site.

This is the church located at the mountain of Entoto in Addis Ababa where the high Energy water flows.

This is the Church located in the mountain of Entoto where the High Energy Water flows


ADDIS ABABA 2010-12-06
After my first visit to the "Holy water" source and the church located there , I was very curious to find out if there was any substance to the rumours about that so many people get healed there.
There are constantly about 2-3000 people with HIV infection living at the mountain of ENTOTO.
When arriving there for my second time i was lucky to meet a local guide who was very familiar with the location and the people living there.
Luckily he also spoked very good english.
First he showed me a church magasin from 2003, edited by the church of S:t Mary, located at the mountain of ENTOTO and the head church of the "holy Water" source.

The frontpage of one edition of the church magazin.
At page one i found this:

This page is in Amharic, which is the language spoken here.
The page is presenting the amount of people with different kind of diseases that claims they have been healed at the "holy water" source and reported this to the Church Office.
Just to translate a couple of the diseases and the amount:
1090 people has been healed from HIV.

460 people has been healed from Diabetes.

600 people has been healed from Astma

328 people has reduced high bloodpressure.

136 people has been healed from Epilepsi.

I found this very interesting, but still i have to look at it as hearsay until hard evidence is shown to me.

And as i have written before, I will focus on the healing of HIV first of all.

After reading more in the magazin , I found this:

HIV protocol for HIV + test 11/7 2001 for Nardos Tesfaye

This is the official medical reports used here in Ethiopia and shows that a person is HIV Positive back in July 2001.
And I also found this in the same magazin:
Medical report from Nardos Tesfaye 27/4 2002 when going from HIV + to Negative
This is the same persons official report saying that she now is HIV negative in April 2002 , 9 months after she was tested HIV positive.

Manayesh medical report for HIV positive in June 2002

Manyesh medical report showing her HIV negative 13 months later.
Sissays medical report for HIV positive in November 2002.

Sissays medical report showing him HIV negative 9 months later.

Feketes medical report showing HIV positive in September 2002.

Feketes medical report showing him HIV negative 12 months later. There is no ELISA 2 test in this document.

Misraks report saying she is HIV positive in mars 2003.

Misraks report saying she is HIV Negative in december 2003

Medical reports showing 2 persons HIV negative. Unfortunately they didn´t publish the medical report showing them HIV positive.

Another 2 reports for HIV negative without the reports for HIV positive.
The magasin doesn´t say anything if any of all this published persons where using Antiretroviral medicin parallell to the "holy water".
This is all the medical reports that have been approved for publication in the church magazins.
The church didn´t publish any more magazins after 2004.

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