ADDIS ABABA 2010-12-06
After my first visit to the "Holy water" source and the church located there , I was very curious to find out if there was any substance to the rumours about that so many people get healed there.
There are constantly about 2-3000 people with HIV infection living at the mountain of ENTOTO.
When arriving there for my second time i was lucky to meet a local guide who was very familiar with the location and the people living there.
Luckily he also spoked very good english.
First he showed me a church magasin from 2003, edited by the church of S:t Mary, located at the mountain of ENTOTO and the head church of the "holy Water" source.
At page one i found this:
This page is in Amharic, which is the language spoken here.
The page is presenting the amount of people with different kind of diseases that claims they have been healed at the "holy water" source and reported this to the Church Office.
Just to translate a couple of the diseases and the amount:
1090 people has been healed from HIV.
460 people has been healed from Diabetes.
600 people has been healed from Astma
328 people has reduced high bloodpressure.
136 people has been healed from Epilepsi.
I found this very interesting, but still i have to look at it as hearsay until hard evidence is shown to me.
And as i have written before, I will focus on the healing of HIV first of all.
After reading more in the magazin , I found this:
This is the official medical reports used here in Ethiopia and shows that a person is HIV Positive back in July 2001.
And I also found this in the same magazin:
This is the same persons official report saying that she now is HIV negative in April 2002 , 9 months after she was tested HIV positive.
This is the same persons official report saying that she now is HIV negative in April 2002 , 9 months after she was tested HIV positive.
Manayesh medical report for HIV positive in June 2002
Manyesh medical report showing her HIV negative 13 months later.
Sissays medical report for HIV positive in November 2002.
Sissays medical report showing him HIV negative 9 months later.
Feketes medical report showing HIV positive in September 2002.
Feketes medical report showing him HIV negative 12 months later. There is no ELISA 2 test in this document.
Misraks report saying she is HIV positive in mars 2003.
Misraks report saying she is HIV Negative in december 2003
Medical reports showing 2 persons HIV negative. Unfortunately they didn´t publish the medical report showing them HIV positive.
Another 2 reports for HIV negative without the reports for HIV positive.
The magasin doesn´t say anything if any of all this published persons where using Antiretroviral medicin parallell to the "holy water".
Sissays medical report for HIV positive in November 2002.
Sissays medical report showing him HIV negative 9 months later.
Feketes medical report showing HIV positive in September 2002.
Feketes medical report showing him HIV negative 12 months later. There is no ELISA 2 test in this document.
Misraks report saying she is HIV positive in mars 2003.
Misraks report saying she is HIV Negative in december 2003
Medical reports showing 2 persons HIV negative. Unfortunately they didn´t publish the medical report showing them HIV positive.
Another 2 reports for HIV negative without the reports for HIV positive.
The magasin doesn´t say anything if any of all this published persons where using Antiretroviral medicin parallell to the "holy water".
This is all the medical reports that have been approved for publication in the church magazins.
The church didn´t publish any more magazins after 2004.
The church didn´t publish any more magazins after 2004.